San Francisco Overeaters Anonymous welcomes you to an event especially for Anorexic, Bulimic, Compulsive Exercisers.
Do you struggle with any of the following?
- Severely restricting?
- Vomiting?
- Laxative, diuretics, or diet?
- Excessive exercise to control your weight?
- Feelings of shame about your weight or the way you eat?
- Spending too much time thinking about food, arguing with yourself about whether or what to eat, planning your next diet or exercise, or counting calories?
Day in OA event will include ABC speakers and expert panels on topics including:
- "Dating in Recovery"
- "ABC Food Plans"
- "A Life Beyond Your Wildest Dreams: Living a Big Life in Recovery"
- And more unique and helpful workshops!
Questions? Please call (415) 779-6273 (OASF)